Week 1

Mastering the Art of Viola Tone with Dr. Lauren Spaulding

  • How to identify and develop an ideal viola sound
  • Harnessing gravity through balance to create depth
  • The bow's role in drawing a rich tone 
  • Exploring the left hand in the creation of a beautiful sound
  • Singing through right and left hand coordination
  • Using creativity to expand your tonal tool-box!

In this two week intensive we will dive into what makes the viola unique -- its rich and sonorous tone! Lead by Dr. Lauren Spaulding, our cohort of violists will learn some tips & tricks on how to create an "ideal viola sound" through an overview of simple technical tools every musician (at any level!) can implement into their practice.

Noted for “genre-defying” performances with “distinct sonic identity” and “ethereal refinement”, Dr. Lauren Spaulding is a member of both the Thalea String Quartet in Residence at the University of Toronto and the Tallā Rouge Duo. (Gramophone Magazine/Musical America)

Instagram: @SpauldingPlaysViola


Course Period

  • January 20th - January 31st
  • No Sign-Up needed - simply join the forum, participate and grow :)

Zoom Check-In



Hello Violists!

In this intensive, please spend 3 - 5 minutes each day practicing the provided etudes (see attachment above) using the video guide as a reference. Then, when you feel comfortable, record the 8 measure etude to share with the forum! Any and all questions welcomed! 

Etude Timestamps: 
Day 1:  4:33
Day 2: 5:55
Day 3: 8:00
Day 4: 8:50
Day 5: 10:15
Day 6: 10:34
Day 7: 11:41

Look forward to getting to know you all through your practicing, as I will check in daily with commentary and helpful advice!

This 2 week intensive is a basic overview of some of my favorite exercises -- if you find yourself curious to learn more, you can sign up for a 90 day 'Tune-Up Your Technique' session with me on Tonebase By Clicking Here!

54 replies

    • Maurizio.1
    • 1 mth ago
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    Buonasera Dott.ssa,
    condivido la mia pratica per i giorni 1, 2 e 3 a cui ho potuto dedicarmi nel fine settimana. Ho trovato gli studi molto interessanti, cercherò di completarli, approfondirli e li inserirò certamente all'interno della mia pratica.
    La ringrazio per i tanti stimoli e suggerimenti che ci ha proposto durante il collegamento di venerdì scorso. Sono molto curioso in attesa del video per la prossima settimana di corso.
    Cordiali saluti a lei alla comunità di Tonebase,

      • Maurizio.1
      • 1 mth ago
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      Buonasera Dott.ssa,
      La ringrazio per la sua risposta ricca di preziosi suggerimenti: mi saranno molto utili nel proseguo del corso e dei futuri momenti di pratica.
      Le faccio due domande per cercare di procedere con piena consapevolezza nelle prossime sezioni di studio:

      1) nello spartito con gli esercizi per la prima settimana, prima dell’esercizio del giorno 1 c’è un’indicazione per il metronomo (1/4 = 80); nello studiare ho cercato di attenermi a questa indicazione abbastanza scrupolosamente: è bene che la segua, oppure, in particolare nei primi due studi,  è meglio che consideri in genere note lunghe in modo da rallentare la velocità dell’arco?

      2) posso studiare l’esercizio 4 dall’inizio alla fine utilizzando la nota indicata con X come “Ghost note” la prima volta e come “Crunch note” al ritornello?

      Lei nel video della prima settimana ha dato delle indicazioni in merito, ma io non sempre sono stato in grado di capire nel dettaglio la vostra lingua.

      Grazie ancora per la sua attenzione e per la dedizione con cui sta guidando questo interessantissimo corso intensivo.

      • Tonebase Coach, Viola
      • Dr_Lauren_Spaulding
      • 1 mth ago
      • Reported - view

       Thanks for your questions! Let me see if can answer them, apologies if something is lost in translation between Italian and English -- 

      1) If I understand correctly, I think that you are asking if you should slow the metronome down to work on slower bow speed. 

      You are welcome to slow the metronome down if this helps you! However, I am asking that you save the bow throughout the etude, using slower bow speed especially at the middle / frog. By slowing down the bow we are are trying to get you to feel more downward into the string by dropping your weight! 

      2) I believe you are asking where to do the "crunch" and "ghost" notes. Do the "ghost" notes the first time through, and then do the "crunch" notes on the return! 

      Hopefully this helps! Let me know if I misunderstood anything (thanks google translate haha!) and happy practice 🔥 

      • Maurizio.1
      • 4 wk ago
      • Reported - view

      Grazie Dott.ssa,

      ha risposto perfettamente alle mie richieste. Tutto molto chiaro. 

      Ora non mi resta che fare pratica!


    • glenda_f_lubin
    • 3 wk ago
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    Dear Lauren,

    Thank you so much for your reply.  I will definitely try your suggestions and let you know how it goes.

    Something you may find interesting.  In my Tai Chi lessons my teacher often uses the same term: melting.  The basic principle of Tai Chi is to let any tension go in order to get rid of any obstacles to freedom of movement or energy. The same principles of letting go can also be applied to life and our viola playing. You will probably really enjoy Tai Chi because you already know the principles without having studied it!  Like the space between the notes,, how one gets from one movement to another, makes all the difference!  

    Thank you so much for remaining available after the two weeks. My schedule is a little unpredictable with my son here now, so I am very grateful for this extra time.  Thank you so much for your encouragement. 

    Be well,


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